object permanence.

"Object Permanence" was written as a love letter to material objects. Some of them have been through as much as we have, some of them are shaped and defined by the memories made through them. This short story examines why throwing things away isn't always easy.
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Email drafts I wish I could’ve I sent

“Email drafts I wish I could've send” is the anger of a procrastinating student dealing with the consequences of her own actions and the duplicity of the polite conduct needed in writing an Email.
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“Seizing” is a short story that simply started on pen and paper, laying down in the art museum and just really looking at a painting and letting one’s imagination run with that. It’s a love story and at the same time it’s not at all.
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Humanistische Diversität und Universalität im Theaterstück „Die Zwölf Geschworenen“

In diesem kritischen Essay vermischen sich abstrahierte Eindrücke des Theaterstücks „Die Zwölf Geschworenen“ mit dem Versuch einer Einordnung der anklingenden Themen Demokratie, Dialog und menschliche Erfahrung.
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A digital display, like those found at a bus stop, showing "sadness" will arrive in 6 minutes.

Six Minutes to Sadness

… it said on its personal chart. A mere six minutes – and yet, the chart is never faulty, that much was certain. Checking the crossing of columns once more,
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Warum du den Knigge lesen solltest

Viele halten den Knigge als Regelwerk für Benimmregeln für unsinnig und überholt. Adolph Knigge würde das genauso sehen.
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